Module TINAScsNamedUAIntra
Interface Index
- i_AccountingPull
It allows its client to retrieve accounting information corresponding to a
time interval or to a particular user session.
- i_AccountingPush
It allows the namedUA to receive accounting events from the USM/SSM.
These events derives in accounting records that can be used for
(offline or online) billing.
- i_Init
- i_Initial
This interface allows its clients to get a reference of interface *i_ProviderNamedAccess that is
necessary for access session interaction to take *place.
- i_InvitationDelivery
This interface allows its clients to send invitations to the namedUA's user or cancel them.
- i_ServiceProfileCustomization
It allows the customization of user service profiles. The user service profile
includes a service part, describing customized service characteristics, and a service
management part, detailing the management contexts for the different management areas (FCAPS).
- i_SessionInfo
This interface allows its clients to give the namedUA the information necessary to keep an
updated list of sessions the corresponding user is participating in and the status of both
the session and the user's participation.
- i_SubscriptionNotify
This interface allows its clients to notify the namedUA about new, modified or withdrawn services
in the portfolio of the namedUA's corresponding user.
- i_UsrProfileManagement
It allows to manage the user profile. This profile contains information like:
usage context, defining the user location (and/or terminal) registration and local
context in every location (and/or terminal), and personal configuration, like invitation
handling policies and registration schedule. The usage context allows the client to locate the
user and know about the context (terminal type, NAP type, and available service capabilities) in
the current location. The personal preferences allow to model the behaviour of service components
in access and service sessions depending on certain context conditions (time, date, location,
session owner or participants, etc).
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