i_SubscriberInfoMgmt Behavior: This interface allows the management of the information related to a particular subscriber. This interface can be used either by the subscriber or by the retailer operator on behalf of the subscriber. It provides operations for: - creating and deleting entities. - creating SAGs. - assigning/removing entities to/from a SAG. - listing entities and SAGs corresponding to that subscriber. - querying and modifying the subscriber information.
void assignSAEs(in TINASubCommonTypes::t_AccountNumber subscriberId, in TINASubCommonTypes::t_entityIdList entityList, in TINASubCommonTypes::t_SagId sagId) raises(e_unknownSAE, e_unknownSAG, e_unknownSubscriber, e_applicationError);
This operation assigns a list of entities to a SAG.
void createSAEs(in TINASubCommonTypes::t_AccountNumber subscriberId, in TINASubCommonTypes::t_EntityList entityList, out TINASubCommonTypes::t_entityIdList entityIdList) raises(e_applicationError, e_unknownSubscriber, e_invalidEntityInfo);
This operation creates a set of entities. If the client does not specify an identifier for an entity or the specified identifier coincides with an existing one, Sub generates and returns an identifier for that entity. In other case, it returns the same identifier that has received.
void createSAGs(in TINASubCommonTypes::t_AccountNumber subscriberId, in TINASubCommonTypes::t_SagList sagList, out TINASubCommonTypes::t_SagIdList sagIdList) raises(e_applicationError, e_unknownSubscriber, e_invalidSAG, e_unknownSAG);
This operation creates a set of SAGs. If the identifier for a SAG is not provided or matches an already existing one, Sub generates a new one and returns it. If this is not the case, it returns the one received.
void deleteSAEs(in TINASubCommonTypes::t_AccountNumber subscriberId, in TINASubCommonTypes::t_entityIdList entityList) raises(e_applicationError, e_unknownSubscriber, e_unknownSAE);
This operation deletes a set of entities. The entity is removed from all the SAGs it could be assigned to and then deleted.
void deleteSAGs(in TINASubCommonTypes::t_AccountNumber subscriberId, in TINASubCommonTypes::t_SagIdList sagIdList) raises(e_applicationError, e_unknownSubscriber, e_unknownSAG);
This operation deletes a SAG. The entities belonging to that SAG are not deleted.
void getSubscriberInfo(in TINASubCommonTypes::t_AccountNumber subscriberId, out TINASubCommonTypes::t_Subscriber subscriberInfo) raises(e_applicationError, e_unknownSubscriber);
This operation returns the information about a specific subscriber
void listSAEs(in TINASubCommonTypes::t_AccountNumber subscriberId, in TINASubCommonTypes::t_SagId sagId, out TINASubCommonTypes::t_entityIdList entityList) raises(e_unknownSAG, e_unknownSubscriber, e_applicationError);
This operation returns the list of entities assigned to a SAG. If a SAG is not specified, it returns all the entities for that subscriber.
void listSAGs(in TINASubCommonTypes::t_AccountNumber subscriberId, out TINASubCommonTypes::t_SagIdList sagIdList) raises(e_applicationError, e_unknownSubscriber);
This operation returns the list of SAGs for that subscriber.
void listSubscribedServices(in TINASubCommonTypes::t_AccountNumber subscriberId, out TINAAccessCommonTypes::t_ServiceList service_list) raises(e_applicationError, e_unknownSubscriber);
This operation returns the list of services subscribed by a specific subscriber.
void removeSAEs(in TINASubCommonTypes::t_AccountNumber subscriberId, in TINASubCommonTypes::t_entityIdList entityList, in TINASubCommonTypes::t_SagId sagId) raises(e_unknownSAE, e_unknownSAG, e_unknownSubscriber, e_applicationError);
This operation removes a list of entities from a SAG.
void setSubscriberInfo(in TINASubCommonTypes::t_AccountNumber subscriberId, in TINASubCommonTypes::t_Subscriber subscriberInfo) raises(e_unknownSubscriber, e_invalidSubscriberInfo, e_applicationError);
This operation modifies the information about a specific subscriber Only name and address fields are modifiable. The rest are updated only by Sub as a result of other operations -createSAGs,...-
exception e_applicationError { };
exception e_invalidEntityInfo { };
exception e_invalidSAG { TINASubCommonTypes::t_SagId sagId; };
exception e_invalidSubscriberInfo { t_errorType errorType; };
exception e_unknownSAE { TINASubCommonTypes::t_entityId entityId; };
exception e_unknownSAG { TINASubCommonTypes::t_SagId sagId; };
exception e_unknownSubscriber { TINASubCommonTypes::t_AccountNumber subscriberId; };
enum t_errorType { NameTooLong, AddressTooLong };
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