i_ProviderOlsSi Behavior: This interface is offered through Ret-RP to the subscription service specific ssUAP. It provides operations for: - subscribing to a retailer. - contracting services with that retailer. - unsubscribing and withdrawing service contracts. - creating and deleting entities. - creating SAGs. - assigning/removing entities to/from a SAG. - listing entities and SAGs corresponding to that subscriber. - querying and modifying the subscriber information.
void activateServiceProfiles(in TINASubCommonTypes::t_ServiceProfileIdList spIdList) raises(e_applicationError, e_unknownServiceProfile);
This operation activates a set of service profiles
void assignSAEs(in TINASubCommonTypes::t_entityIdList entityList, in TINASubCommonTypes::t_SagId sagId) raises(e_unknownSAE, e_unknownSAG, e_applicationError);
This operation assigns a list of entities to a SAG.
void assignServiceProfile(in TINASubCommonTypes::t_ServiceProfileId spId, in TINASubCommonTypes::t_SagIdList sagIdList, in TINASubCommonTypes::t_entityIdList saeIdList) raises(e_applicationError, e_unknownSAG, e_unknownSAE, e_unknownServiceProfile);
This operation assigns a service profile to a list of SAGs and SAEs.
void contractService(in TINASubCommonTypes::t_ServiceIdList serviceList, out TINASubCommonTypes::t_ServiceTemplateList svcTemplateList) raises(e_unknownSubscriber, e_unknownServiceId, e_applicationError);
This operation creates a (set of) new service contract(s) for an existing customer. A list of services the subscriber wants to contract is specified. It returns a list of service contract management interfaces, one for each of the services requested.
void createSAEs(in TINASubCommonTypes::t_EntityList entityList, out TINASubCommonTypes::t_entityIdList entityIdList) raises(e_applicationError, e_invalidEntityInfo);
This operation creates a set of entities. Sub generates a unique identifier for every entity.
void createSAGs(in TINASubCommonTypes::t_SagList sagList, out TINASubCommonTypes::t_SagIdList sagIdList) raises(e_applicationError, e_invalidSAG, e_unknownSAG);
This operation creates a set of SAGs. It returns a set of unique SAG identifiers.
void deactivateServiceProfiles(in TINASubCommonTypes::t_ServiceProfileIdList spIdList) raises(e_applicationError, e_unknownServiceProfile);
This operation deactivates a set of service profiles
void defineServiceContract(in TINASubCommonTypes::t_ServiceContract serviceContract, out TINASubCommonTypes::t_ServiceProfileIdList spIdList) raises(e_applicationError, e_invalidContractInfo, e_invalidSubscriptionProfile, e_invalidSAGServiceProfile);
This operation creates a service contract. This contract can include a set of service profiles.
void defineServiceProfiles(in TINASubCommonTypes::t_SubscriptionProfile subscriptionProfile, in TINASubCommonTypes::t_SagServiceProfileList sagServiceProfiles, out TINASubCommonTypes::t_ServiceProfileIdList spIdList) raises(e_applicationError, e_invalidSubscriptionProfile, e_invalidSAGServiceProfile);
This operation creates a set of service profiles.
void deleteSAEs(in TINASubCommonTypes::t_EntityList entityList, in TINASubCommonTypes::t_entityIdList entityList) raises(e_applicationError, e_unknownSAE);
This operation deletes a set of entities. The entity is removed from all the SAGs it could be assigned to and then deleted.
void deleteSAGs(in TINASubCommonTypes::t_SagIdList sagIdList) raises(e_applicationError, e_unknownSAG);
This operation deletes a SAG. The entities belonging to that SAG are not deleted.
void deleteServiceProfiles(in TINASubCommonTypes::t_ServiceProfileIdList spIdList) raises(e_applicationError, e_unknownServiceProfile);
This operation deletes a set of service profiles and their associated SAGs.
void getServiceContractInfo(in TINAAccessCommonTypes::t_ServiceId serviceId, in TINASubCommonTypes::t_ServiceProfileIdList spIdList, out TINASubCommonTypes::t_ServiceContract serviceContract) raises(e_applicationError, e_unknownServiceProfile);
This operation returns the service contract information. If a (list of) SAG(s) is specified it returns the set of SAG service profile for that(those) SAG(s).
void getServiceTemplate(in TINAAccessCommonTypes::t_ServiceId serviceId, out TINASubCommonTypes::t_ServiceTemplate template) raises(e_applicationError);
This operation returns the template for the service.
void getSubscriberInfo(out TINASubCommonTypes::t_Subscriber subscriberInfo) raises(e_applicationError, e_unknownSubscriber);
This operation returns the information about a specific subscriber
void listSAEs(in TINASubCommonTypes::t_SagId sagId, out TINASubCommonTypes::t_entityIdList entityList) raises(e_unknownSAG, e_applicationError);
This operation returns the list of entities assigned to a SAG. If a SAG is not specified, it returns all the entities for that subscriber.
void listSAGs(out TINASubCommonTypes::t_SagIdList sagIdList) raises(e_applicationError);
This operation returns the list of SAGs for that subscriber.
void listServiceProfiles(in TINAAccessCommonTypes::t_ServiceId serviceId, out TINASubCommonTypes::t_ServiceProfileIdList spIdList) raises(e_applicationError);
This operation returns the list of service profiles identifiers
void listServices(out TINAAccessCommonTypes::t_ServiceList serviceList) raises(e_applicationError);
This operation returns the list of services available for subscription and use.
void listSubscribedServices(out TINAAccessCommonTypes::t_ServiceList service_list) raises(e_applicationError, e_unknownSubscriber);
This operation returns the list of services subscribed by a specific subscriber.
void removeSAEs(in TINASubCommonTypes::t_entityIdList entityList, in TINASubCommonTypes::t_SagId sagId) raises(e_unknownSAE, e_unknownSAG, e_applicationError);
This operation removes a list of entities from a SAG.
void removeServiceProfile(in TINASubCommonTypes::t_ServiceProfileId spId, in TINASubCommonTypes::t_SagIdList sagIdList, in TINASubCommonTypes::t_entityIdList saeIdList) raises(e_applicationError, e_unknownSAG, e_unknownSAE, e_unknownServiceProfile);
This operation removes a service profile assignment to a list of SAGs and SAEs.
void setSubscriberInfo(in TINASubCommonTypes::t_Subscriber subscriberInfo) raises(e_unknownSubscriber, e_invalidSubscriberInfo, e_applicationError);
This operation modifies the information about a specific subscriber Only name and address fields are modifiable. The rest are updated only by Sub as a result of other operations -createSAGs,...-
void subscribe(in TINASubCommonTypes::t_Subscriber subscriberInfo, in TINASubCommonTypes::t_ServiceIdList serviceList, out TINASubCommonTypes::t_AccountNumber subscriberId, out TINASubCommonTypes::t_ServiceTemplateList svcTemplateList) raises(e_invalidSubscriberInfo, e_unknownServiceId, e_applicationError);
This operation creates a subscription for a new customer. The initial list of services the subscriber wants to contract can be specified. It returns: - a unique identifier for the subscriber. - a list of service templates
void unsubscribe(in TINASubCommonTypes::t_ServiceIdList serviceList) raises(e_unknownSubscriber, e_unknownServiceId, e_applicationError);
This operation withdraws a subscription or a list of service contracts. The list of services the subscriber wants to unsubscribe is an input parameter. If this list is empty, that means the withdrawal of all the services, and thus the subscription.
exception e_applicationError { };
exception e_invalidContractInfo { };
exception e_invalidEntityInfo { };
exception e_invalidSAG { TINASubCommonTypes::t_SagId sagId; };
exception e_invalidSAGServiceProfile { TINASubCommonTypes::t_ServiceProfileId spId; };
exception e_invalidSearchCriteria { };
exception e_invalidSubscriberInfo { t_errorType errorType; };
exception e_invalidSubscriptionProfile { };
exception e_notSubscribedService { TINAAccessCommonTypes::t_ServiceId serviceId; };
exception e_unknownSAE { TINASubCommonTypes::t_entityId entityId; };
exception e_unknownSAG { TINASubCommonTypes::t_SagId sagId; };
exception e_unknownServiceId { TINAAccessCommonTypes::t_ServiceId serviceId; };
exception e_unknownServiceProfile { TINASubCommonTypes::t_ServiceProfileId spId; };
exception e_unknownSubscriber { TINASubCommonTypes::t_AccountNumber subscriberId; };
enum t_errorType { NameTooLong, AddressTooLong, OtherErrors };
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