Wednesday, 14 April 1999
09:00-10:00 Keynote, Dr. Thomas Rowbotham (British Telecom)
PDF file with slides
10:30-12:00 Session IVa: Service Architecture
Chair: Carlo Licciardi (CSELT)
PDF file with slides
- "A New Structure for Dynamically Configurable TINA Interdomain Reference Points"
T. Eckardt, C. Egelhaaf, P. Schoo (GMD FOKUS)
- "TINA as a Virtual Market Place for Telecommunication and Information Services: The VITAL Experiment"
T. Mota (Portugal Telecom), P. Hellemans (Alcatel), and T. Tiropanis (Univ. College London), G. Canal (CSELT), and P. Lago (Politecnico di Torino)
- "Design and Implementation of Distributed Multimedia Session Manager for Efficient Multi-point Applications"
M. Kawashima, Y. Toyoda, and J. Akiba (NTT)
10:30-12:00 Session IVb: Work-in-Progress 1
Chair: Hendrik Berndt (TINA Consortium)
PDF file with slides
- "Characterization of TINA kernel transport network load using models of the service components, DPE implementation and network topology"
- "The Layer Network Federation Reference Point, Definition and Implementation"
- "Realization of Personal Mobility Services in Various Situations"
- "Mu3s: A Middleware Platform for Telecommunications Information Networking"
- "Building a Fault Tolerant Distributed Processing Environment"
- "Network Topology Configuration Manager Experience Report"
13:30-15:00 Session Va: Service Management
Chair: Rachid Guerraoui (EPFL)
PDF file with slides
- "A Distributed Near Real-Time Billing Environment"
J. Fleck (Hewlett-Packard)
- "Implementation and Interoperability Experiences with TINA Service Management Specifications"
S. Rana and M. Fisher (BT Laboratories), and C. Egelhaaf (GMD FOKUS)
- "Web-based access to the IN Service Management - a TOCTIS implementation"
H. Arai, N. Nakagawa, H. Kamata, and M. Kawanishi (OKI Electric)
13:30-15:00 Session Vb: Work-in-Progress 2
Chair: Joe Sventek (Hewlett-Packard)
PDF file with slides
- "Dynamic Load Control for Ensuring QoS in IP Networks"
- "TINA Business Model for UMTS: Benefits and Possible Enhancements"
- "The Development of Multimedia Telecommunication Systems That Integrate ITU IN CS 2/4 and Implement TINA Interfaces"
- "Secure Access Control in a TINA Environment Containing Mobile Agents"
- "Service Composition in a TINA Environment"
- "Service Lifecycle in a Distributed Computing Environment"