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Press Release

18. November 1997, Santiago de Chile

TINA Consortium continues under a new organization.

The Telecommunications Information Networking Architecture Consortium (TINA-C), which has delivered a set of validated architecture resulting from five years of collaboration, has decided to extend the collaboration.

In a revised structure, the consortium will continue for three more years in order to resolve specifications for particular inter-business interactions within the overall commercial vision and facilitate the market-driven adoption of the architecture. In the new structure, the Consortium will be driven by Working Groups that will fine tune the architecture in the following areas: management of distributed telecommunications objects, mobility in a transparent way, service management components, and specific targeted applications such as high-quality multimedia services, Internet/intranet, and universal mobility.

In 1998, TINA-C will conduct demonstrations of the use of the architecture in real business scenarios, refine and finalize the architecture specifications, and continue to liaise with other standards bodies and fora. The Consortium will have fulfilled its goal in 2000 with large-scale deployments of TINA-conforming products and TINA-based services.

Annex 1 Rationale for the continuation of the consortium

The TINA architecture is reaching maturity, and efficient TINA platforms are emerging. Now it is time to integrate it in appropriate standards, as well as to demonstrate its applicability in larger-scale services. The work program and the organization of TINA Consortium for the period 1998-2000 are now defined to support identified business objectives. In particular, the following list of potential business cases serves as the vehicle for the definition of the technical objectives of the Consortium in its next phase:

  • Management of Heterogeneous Networks and Services.

  • Next Generation Mobility.

  • High-Quality Internet/Intranet.

  • Integration of legacy networks and services.

An important area of application of TINA is Intelligent Networks where some functional entities can be distributed through TINA Service Architecture components running on a DPE. This requires that some migration paths be provided, in the context of IN and other service standards (e.g., TMN, CTI).

  • Flexible advanced services portable over heterogeneous network technologies.

To support these business cases, TINA-C will focus its effort, during the period from 1998 to 2000, on the rationalization and simplification of the Architecture, in particular with emphasis on migration and integration issues:

  • specification of the Reference Points to enable the federation of existing and future heterogeneous Service Management and Network Management systems;

  • clarification of the additions required in the area of Distributed Processing Environment to the OMG specifications, and continued effort to foster the adoption of corresponding specifications by the OMG;

  • rationalization of the support of call control, signalling, and mobility to define a unique solution in TINA, applicable in ITU-T IN long-term, UMTS and other future telecom call-based architectures;

  • definition of a framework for Service Management and specification of a minimum set of management areas, turning TINA-C into a Service Management Forum;

  • keeping abreast of new emerging technologies, such as mobile code and intelligent agents, and their introduction into the architecture;

  • contribution and influence to relevant standardization bodies (NMF, OMG, Next Generation Mobility, ATMF, ITU-T SG11, etc.).

Also, to demonstrate the strength of TINA solutions, large-scale TINA Trials interconnecting industrial products and services based on the TINA architecture are planned.

Annex 2 The new structure

The Consortium Forum, consisting of representatives from all member companies, is responsible for all important decisions of the Consortium, including reviewing and making decision on both technical and administrative activities, and appointment of officers of the Consortium Administration Office and representatives of the Architecture Board.

The Architecture Board is chaired by Consortium Director and consists of the chairs of Working Groups and the Special Interest Group, and other representatives. It is responsible for technical coherence of the Workplan and of the Architecture, and for setting up Working Groups and Special Interest Groups.

The Working Groups are responsible for the tasks assigned by the Architecture Board, including producing Request for Refinement proposals and draft specifications responses, which are based on response to Requests for Refinements.

The Special Interest Groups are responsible for considering new directions for the work of TINA-C. Non-members of the Consortium can participate in this group.

The Consortium Administration Office is headed by the Consortium Director, who is also a non-voting member of the Consortium Forum. The Consortium Director is assisted in influencing and publicity aspects by the Associate Director. The Consortium Administration Office will be located in New Jersey, USA.

The Consortium Steering Board has agreed on the nominations of Deb Guha and Hendrik Berndt as candidates for the Consortium Director and Associate Director respectively.

The Legal Agreement describing the new Consortium organization will be approved by the CSB at its last meeting on December 2, 1997 in Sorrento, Italy, and the new structure will become effective as soon as the undertaking have been signed by Member Companies.

Annex 3 Member classes

The Consortium is being expanded and will have two classes of membership, to enable smaller businesses and academia to join. Both member classes have the right to representation in all bodies of the Consortium and the same IPR rights as all others, including the right to access to all working documents. In addition, full members, whose fee is higher that those of Associate members, are entitled to vote in the Consortium forum, and their employees are eligible for representation in the Architecture Board and for chairing Working Groups and Special Interest Groups.
