Contact point:
Deb K. Guha - TINA-C
+1 732 450 2061
David Kennedy - EURESCOM +49 6221 989 152
News Release
20. November 1998, Heidelberg, Germany
Telecommunications Information Networking
Architecture Consortium (TINA-C) and EURESCOM announce a milestone for the TINA industrial
Heidelberg, Germany, November 20, 1998 TINA-C has
completed its quarterly meeting, hosted by EURESCOM Two announcements at the meeting
marked a milestone for the TINA concepts and specifications which is now moving from
prototypes and trials to commercial products, as well as to acceptance as a framework for
the evolution of telecommunication networks.
Starvision Multimedia of Canada described its latest
release of the Services Creation and Management System that is based on TINA-C
A presentation by Sprint, the third largest long distance
carrier in the United States, described the use of TINA in the evolution to its target
network, popularly known as ION.
Use of TINA specifications for the service layer, and for
Gateway control functions to be supported by MGCP (formed by merging SGCP and IPDC) for
Voice over IP application was also discussed with its proponents who are active in the
standardisation processes (IETF and ITU-T).
Why has TINA become hot after a long preparation time?
Because TINA provides solutions that help to solve the present main issue of Telecom and
IP : how to develop seamless services and operations over an increasing technology
fragmentation and technology future uncertainties. Using the TINA architecture, generic
services can be provisionned seamlessly over IP (VoIP, Internet data), over ATM (VoATM,
Broadband data), over IP on ATM, and over fixed and mobile voice networks.
TINA-C is a consortium that groups the worlds large
telecommunication network operators and ISPs (AOL/Cegetel, AT&T, BT, DT, FT, NTT,
Sprint, Telia
.), along with their main telecom and IP equipment/service
manufacturers (Alcatel, Bay Networks/Nortel, Bellcore, Fujitsu, Lucent, Siemens
) .
EURESCOM is the European Institute for Research and
Strategic Studies owned and operated by 23 European telecom operators. EURESCOM is
currently performing serveral projects that consider the applicability of the TINA
architecture in telecommunications networks scenarios of the future.